Water Baptism
As a believer in Jesus, being baptized is a significant act that should be accomplished. In the new testament we see the ordinance of water baptism. Water baptism is a commanded ordinance. The church is commanded to baptize in Mathew twenty-eight also known as the Great Commission. What’s interesting about this passage is that Jesus’s command is tied to His authority in this chapter. Jesus says that all authority has been given to Him on heaven and earth. Donald Whitley says, “even if there were no other reasons to do so, we should baptize because of the King of the Universe has commanded it”. In Acts chapter two, Peter says “repent and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ”. Acts twenty-two verse sixteen, Ananius is talking to Saul of Tarsus says to him “why do you delay? Get up and be baptized”. The ordinance of water baptism all throughout the new testament is commanded. I don’t believe it’s an option to get baptized, rather a command. Water baptism is done by emersion. The Greek word that is translated baptize in the new testament is baptiszo. This means to plunge, to sink, to emerge or dip.Mark chapter one verse ten, John the Baptist baptizes Jesus. Act’s chapter eight, Philip takes the Ethiopian eunuch to get baptized in the water. Water baptism usually happens shortly after one believes in Christ. Acts chapter two verse forty-one,there are thousands of people who respond to the preaching’sof Peter. This passage tells us that those who received his word were baptized that very day. Belief in the truth of Jesuscomes first, then baptism happens next. Acts fifteen versethirty-three, we see that the jailor and the members of his household believed and were baptized immediately. At church this past Sunday the preacher spoke on the topic Baptism. He mentioned that the reality for some of the people in church today is thatsome may feel embarrassed for notyetbeing baptized. He followed up with the question, “how quickly will you respond to the truth that you heard today? He also mentioned that it’s never too late to get baptized as a believer in Jesus. An observation about baptism is that water baptism and salvation can sometimes be virtually simultaneous. Throughout the new testament we see that baptism occurs very quickly and most times the very hour of the person’sconversion. Acts chapter two verse thirty-eight is a great example of this. Some people use this passage to teach baptismal regeneration which states that water baptism is necessary for salvation. In Acts, Peter says that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Peter also says repent and bebaptized while calling upon the name of Jesus Christ. A suggestion that may offer reinvigoration of baptism in the corporate worship of the local church can be celebration. I think that making baptism more of a celebration in a corporate worship setting can strengthen the idea of getting baptized to the person who hasn’t yet gotten baptized or haven’t yet believed in Christ. This celebration can consist of fellowship with the church family in many forms after the act of being baptized. However, this suggestion cancause some people to idolize the celebration rather than understanding the significant meaning of getting baptized. I think it’s important for Pastors and preachers to emphasize the importance and the context of biblical water baptism, so that those who want to come to faith can have a clear understanding of baptism. Essentially, I don’t think it’s necessary to make baptism more attractive in a corporate worship setting. However, that does not mean we shouldn’t celebrate one’s conversion and baptism as a church family. Luke fifteen verse ten tells us “ In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”Ultimately, water baptism is a command from Jesus to all those that believe. Thereare tons of biblical evidence that support the theology of getting baptized soon after and often times immediately after believing in Jesus Christ. I think that the very instance that Jesus the King of Universe was baptized, tells us that we as followers of him should also get baptized