The Arts in Worship

Troy Mitchell
3 min readOct 23, 2020


Theatre is a collaborative form of performing arts that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage. Theater arts are something that isn’t used often in worship services. Depending on your congregation, integrating the theater arts is something you should consider. By implementing theatre arts in worship services, you can draw people into a more intimate, intellectual, and ultimately refreshing view of the history of the church, God, and the truth of His word.

The use of theater arts in worship can bring people into a more personal and intimate relationship with God. The way the theater arts are designed is to draw people into the story the actors and actresses are telling. The actors and actresses are committed to telling the story that the script gives them. Their job is to capture the hearts and minds of the audience and take them on a journey. This is powerful because God created humans to be emotional beings. If this specific art form is used for the glory of God and to bring people into the truth of knowing Him, then why not implement it? I think there are many creative ways in utilizing the theater arts to bring the church into a more intimate relationship with God. One popular way that some churches incorporate theater art is by telling the story of Jesus’s birth. I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in countless Christmas play and dramas growing up. I would highly recommend that all churches have this opportunity if they have the tools for it. Another way is by telling the story of Jesus’s resurrection. Easter Sunday is the Church’s most celebrated and highly attended service days. Many unbelievers come to church on this day and many of them hear the gospel for the first time. Implementing gospel-centered dramas only reiterates and enhances the church’s proclamation of the gospel. If unbelievers hear the gospel preached first and then experience the gospel by watching people passionately perform it, the church can reach many more people.

The use of the theater arts in a worship service can draw people into a more intellectual understanding of the gospel and the greatness of God. The gospel should be clearly explained when writing a script for a drama at church. The character of God should be clearly explained in the script by using scriptures and the stories of who God says He is. Many churches perform a short drama of the resurrection of Christ by incorporating the details of Luke 24. I think it would be interesting to use historical facts outside of the Bible that prove the resurrection of Jesus as well. Using outside sources can give faithful churchgoers a refreshing view of the promises of God found in scripture while considering ancient facts that support the truth of the resurrection.

Utilizing the theater arts in worship services can give people a refreshing view of the story of God. However, the ultimate and all-satisfying view of God is only found in reading God’s word. Art intertwined with the word of God can refresh the minds of a believer that has lost their passion for going to church or even passion to serve in the church. I think many churches are scared to use the unique talents that God has gifted many people in their congregants with. I think that as long as the gospel is proclaimed loudly and Christ is centered in all of the forms of art, this art form can be and should be incorporated in worship. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Colossians 3:17 says, And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Everything believers do should glorify God and we should especially do so in our art forms.

A source that can help you integrate theater art in your worship services is by emailing from dafneyproductions.



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