Developing Future Worship Leaders

Troy Mitchell
3 min readJun 27, 2020


Developing future worship leaders in the church is a task that probably has many formulas. I would imagine that developing and training up a worship leader takes a lot of time but can be seen as blessing, once performed. I would imagine it would involve a lot of discipleship as well as musical practice. My formula for developing a future worship leader would include equipping, training, and then sending.

Equipping upcoming worship leaders is the first step and probally the most important step in developing future worship leaders. This is a very important step because this is where the future worship leader is given spiritual nuggets of wisdom and is constantly pointed to study the scriptures. Ephesians 4:16 says, From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. This is one of many perfect scripture references that all people who serve in the local church should know and remind themselves of. Often times, people that serve may fill like their role isn’t helping much in the church or they fear they’re not needed as much as another role. He or she can sometimes become weary and discouraged if they’re not staying rooted and grounded in the word. The word of God is the greatest encouragement we have. We can encourage ourselves by reading specific scriptures whenever we’re feeling discouraged. What Ephesians tells us is that whenever each part of the church is working properly, the body will we build itself up in love. This is an awesome reminder that every part of the body is needed and should be working properly in order to grow the kingdom. Romans 15:5–6 says, Now may the God of endurance and comfort give you unity with one another in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Equipping the future Worship leader with encouraging scriptures to hold onto for future purposes is a step one.

Training, is the next step in developing future worship leaders. This step is nicknamed the ‘show them the ropes’ step. During this stage, I will teach the worship leader the duties and important responsibilities of being a worship leader. I’ll start with the basics like collaborating with the Pastor at all times and being in tune with the pastor. Learning how to connect with the Pastor when planning worship sets and even just spending time with the Pastor. Learning the church’s values and doctrine is vital in being an effective worship leader. Understanding this and the role of the ministry brings unity. This will lead to the effective shepherding of the church. My role in this recruiting process is to observe the individual’s relationship with God and rule if it’s genuine or not. Making sure the leader knows the gospel and the foundational truths of the Christian faith is very important when training up future worship leaders. After all of these steps I would then move on to the music stage. I would discuss the importance of choosing biblically rich songs for worship. The seriousness of choosing solid worship songs because, it determines how the congregation will be discipled. I would teach the importance of leading from the word of God. Once again, I would constantly review the foundational truths and biblical encouragements during the training stages with the future worship leader.

Once the equipping and training is complete, the ‘send’ step is next. Often times, churches plant multiple campuses throughout the state, the country, and even the world. If there is a need for a worship leader at one of those campuses, I would send the equipped and trained worship leader to the campus in need.



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